Maja Boskovic-Stulli was born in 1922 in Osijek. She read Slavic studies in Zagreb, Kazan, Saint Petersburg and Belgrade. She graduated in 1950 in Belgrade and received her doctorate in 1961 in Zagreb. She worked at the Jadran Institute (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts), and from 1952 until her retirement in 1979 at the Institute of Folk Art (today’s Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research) in Zagreb. From 1963 until 1973 she was the Director of the Institute.
She has taken part in many national and international conferences and symposiums. She has taught at the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik. For many years she was the chief editor, and afterwards a member, of the editorial board for the journal Narodna umjetnost. She was one of the founding members of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, a member of the editorial board for the international journal Fabula, and cooperated on the Enzyklopädie des Märchens.
She is a member of a number of Croatian and international research and professional societies: Croatian Ethnological Society, Matrix Croatica, International Society for Folk Narrative Research, an honorary member of the “Folklore Fellows” at the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, as well as a member of the Ethnographic Society of the former Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences. Since 1980 she has been an associate member and since 2000 she has been a full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
She has received a number of awards for her research work: the annual (1975) and the lifework award of the Croatian republic (1990), the Herder’s prize (Vienna 1991), and “G. Pitre – S. Salomone-Marino” prize (Palermo, 1992.).
She has written about twenty books and a large number of papers in national and international academic journals.
Selected bibliography
Istarske narodne price, Zagreb 1959;
Narodne pripovijetke (“Pet stoljeca hrvatske knjizevnosti”), Zagreb 1963;
Narodne epske pjesme, knj. 2 (“Pet stoljeca hrvatske knjizevnosti”), Zagreb 1964;
Narodna predaja o vladarevoj tajni, Zagreb 1967; Kroatische Volksmärchen (“Die Märchen der Weltliteratur”), Düsseldorf – Köln 1975, 21993;
Usmena knjizevnost (“Povijest hrvatske knjizevnosti” 1, pp. 7-353), Zagreb 1978;
Usmena knjizevnost nekad i danas, Beograd 1983;
Usmeno pjesnistvo u obzorju knjizevnosti, Zagreb 1984;
Zakopano zlato. Hrvatske usmene pripovijetke, predaje i legende iz Istre, Pula – Rijeka 1986;
U kralja od Norina. Price, pjesme, zagonetke i poslovice s Neretve, Metkovic – Opuzen 1987;
Pjesme, price, fantastika, Zagreb 1991;
Zito posred mora. Usmene price iz Dalmacije, Split 1993;
Price i pricanje: stoljeca usmene hrvatske proze, Zagreb 1997;
Usmene pripovijetke i predaje (“Stoljeca hrvatske knjizevnosti”), Zagreb 1997;
O usmenoj tradiciji i o zivotu, Zagreb 1999.
(A bibliography of her work from 1959 – 1993 is published in Narodna umjetnost 30, 1993., pp. 391-413. (in an edition dedicated to Maja Boskovic-Stulli), and for the years 1959.-1999. in the book: Dobitnici nagrade “Antun Barac”, book 2, Slavisticki komitet Hrvatskoga Filoloskog drustva 1999., pp. 15-46.)