e-mail: ivanisevic@ief.hr
Jelena Ivanišević, senior research assistant, was born in 1978 in Zagreb. In 2005, she graduated in Croatian language and literature and Comparative literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. In 2007 she became a research assistant at The Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (IEF) in Zagreb. She received her PhD in 2014 with theses titled Od kuharice do književnosti; hrvatski kulinarski i gastronomski narativi (From Cookbooks to Literature; Croatian Food Writing). Same year she was employed as a research associate at The IEF. Her research interests include food literature, intangible cultural heritage related to food and related concepts of festivalisation, heritagisation, food choices and practices, Mediterranean diet and (sustainable) food policies. She is the author of two-volume The Historical Dictionary of Croatian Food and Od kuharice do književnosti: ogledi o kulinarskoj prozi (From cookbooks to literature: essays on food writing), awarded with Milovan Gavazzi prize by The Croatian Ethnological Society (HED).