The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography Today (EPP)
With this project, we return to the notions of poetics and politics of ethnography inscribed in the foundations of contemporary anthropology, now focusing on questions of the role of science, knowledge exchange, (auto)reflexivity, research experience and representation, and researched particularity in the “harsh” ecological, economic, social, political and health futures that loom ahead. In this context, we are particularly interested in exploring the ethical and critical aspects of contemporary anthropological writing about culture as a form of specific knowledge about ourselves and others. However, we strive to explore the questions of what, how, with whom, for whom and in what context we are researching not only through the notions of text and textuality, but also through activist, multisensory, performative and material lenses, using various media, genre re-evaluations and disciplinary hybridizations, and in a combination of academic, artistic and political articulations.
We have set ourselves the task of articulating and mediating ethnographic knowledge through methodologies and practices that will enable academic and non-academic communities to come together and exchange ideas, knowledge and perspectives on social equality and justice. In line with this, the project aims to identify and outline new principles of committed methodology and ethics, guided by the ideas of contribution, creativity and responsibility of action towards and with the community.
This goal is fulfilled through various research topics, such as irregularized migrations, homelessness, food justice, environmental (in)justice, infrastructural violence, cultural traumas, and social justice and equality in the context of performing arts.