e-mail: orlanda@ief.hr
Orlanda Obad is research associate at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb. Her main research areas are political anthropology and rural studies. She participated in a number of national and international research projects, including „TRANSWORK – Transformation of Work in Post-transitional Croatia“ (HRZZ) and „INFORM – Closing the Gap Between Formal and Informal Institutions in the Balkans” (Horizon 2020). She initiated the foundation of an interdisciplinary research group Ruralije, which has performed several research projects in Croatian rural areas since 2014. She is the co-editor of „Devedesete. Kratki rezovi“ (The Nineties. Short Cuts) with Petar Bagarić (IEF and Jesenski & Turk, 2020).
Before joining the academia, she had a journalistic career. In 2004 she co-authored a manual on investivative journalism with Inoslav Bešker.