Born in Stanford (California – 1968). 1996: University degree in Humanities ( Letteremoderne ) at the University of Naples “Federico II” (1996). 2001: Ph.D. in History of the European Society at the Department of History of the University of Naples “Federico II” (mentor: prof. Paolo Macry, 2001. Title of the dissertation: A Pluriethnic Community from the Multinational State to the National State. Italians and Croats in Pazin-Istria between Austria and Italy ). 2001-2003: Post-Ph.D. fellow at the Department of History of the University of Padova. From 2003: Assistent of Modern History at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Naples “Federico II”.
University of Utrecht (1993), Istituto Italiano Studi Filosofici, Naples (1996) and Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana (1998).
Teaching Experiences:
Professor of History of Danubian-Balkanian Europe at the University of L’Aquila – Italy (2001/02 and 2002/03). Collaborator of the Law Clinic on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (2001/02). Seminars at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Naples “Federico II” (on ethnic and national identity 1997/98, on break-up of Jugoslavia 1998/99 and on ethnic groups and nations in the Balkans 1999/2000 and 2000/01), and at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Naples “Federico II” (on nationalism in the Adriatic area, 2000/01, and on the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires in the 19 th and 20 th centuries, 2001/02 and 2002/03).
• Elites nazionali e divisione etnica a Pisino , “Quaderni Storici” 94, 1, 1997 Roma. (144-182).
• Udruge i političko-nacionalna borba u Pazinu od 1880. do 1914 , “Nova Istra”, III, 8/1, Pula 1998.
• Nacionalna društva i politicka borba u Pazinu krajem Habsburske Vladavine , Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa: Pazin i drugoj polovini 19. i početkom 20. stoljeca , , Pazin 1999 (75-106).
• Problemi skolstva i politicki problemi – poceci talijanske uprave u Pazinu , Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa: Hrvatska Gimnazija u Pazinu 1899- 1999, Pazin 1999 (147-164).
• Riflessioni sul problema dell’identita etnica e nazionale nell’Istria tardoasburgica , “Ricerche Sociali”, Centro di Ricerche Storiche di Rovigno, 8-9, Trieste-Rovigno 1998/1999 (5-12).
• Il crollo dello Stato in una societa multietnica. L’Istria nel passaggio da Austria a Italia , in “Bollettino del diciannovesimo secolo”, V, 6, Napoli 2000 (87-96).
• Nacionalna asimilacija i etnicka optojnost u Pazinu 1918-1926 , Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa: “Egzodus istarskih Hrvata (1918-1943)”, Institut za Povijest, Zagreb 2001.
• Il notabilato in ambiente plurietnico: italiani e croati in Istria , Atti del Convegno Le Italie dei notabili: il punto della situazione , edited by Luigi Ponziani, Istituto Abruzzese per la Storia della Resistenza e dell’Italia Contemporanea, L’Aquila 2001 (in “Abbruzzo Contemporaneo” 10-11/2000, 533-551).
• Italiani e croati a Pisino tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento: la costruzione delle identita conflittuali , in Nazionalismi di frontiera. Identita contrapposte sull’Adriatico nord-orientale 1850-1950, edited by Marina Cattaruzza, Rubettino, Firenze 2003 (73-121).
• Il Cuore Conteso. Il nazionalismo in una comunita multietnica. L’Istria Asburgica, Filema Edizioni, Napoli 2003.
• with Olga Diklic : Studenti croati a Trieste. Il caso della scuola nautica 1754-1918 , Atti del convegno Croati a Trieste , Trieste 2001 (fothcoming).
• with Borna Furst Bijeliš and Olga Diklic: The Venetian Cadastre in Dalmatia and the Eco-historical Evaluation of the Trilex Confinium in the 18 th Century , conference papers: “The Eco-history of the Triplex Confinium (Austrian Empire/Venetian Republic/Ottman Empire)”, Zadar 2000 (fothcoming).
• Pescatori di Mergellina – Ribari sa Mergelline , ethnographic film on the cult of Madonna dell’arco and the fishing association “Pescatori di Mergellina”, in Naples (Italy). Authors: Sanja Puljar D’Alessio, Mario I. Martone and Vanni D’Alessio. Naples 2001.