e-mail: ines@ief.hr
1996 Doctoral degree in the humanities, the field of ethnology, with the Ph.D. dissertation The Characteristics of Ethnographic Writing in Modern Croatian Ethnology. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.
1988 Masters degree with the M.A. thesis “Youth Subculture in Belgrade: symbolical practices” at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.
1981 Bachelor degree at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.
Fields of interest: cultural and anthropological theory, anthropology of (post)socialism, anthropology of Europe, anthropology of work
Scholarly positions:
1985-1989 Employed at the Ethnographic Institute in Belgrade as a research assistant
1989 – Employed at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb
2007 – Research adviser in the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research
Selected research projects:
1995 ‘Contemporary Croatian Theory’ (Croatian Semiotic Society)
1997-1999 Individual Project ‘Contemporary Croatian Ethnology: Scientific Discourse and Social Context’ (Open Society Croatia)
1998-2000 ‘Borders of Other: Identity and Difference’ (Croatian Semiotic Society)
2001-2003 ‘Ethics of Performative’ (Croatian Semiotic Society)
2002-2006 Leader of the program ‘Culture in Transition: Hybridity, Representations, Living Practices’ (Croatian Ministry of Science, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research)
2002-2006 Project leader: ‘Ethnography of Worldly Transition: Templates and Deviations’ (Croatian Ministry of Science, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research)
2007-2013 Project leader: Post-socialism and the Cultural Subject: Hybrid Practices of Cultural Mediation’ (Croatian Ministry of Science, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research)
2010-2011 ‘Negotiating Europe(aness): Austria, Slovenia and the Western Balkan in the process of EU-enlargement’ ASO (Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana (ASO Ljubljana)
Courses taught:
2000-2013 Doctoral studies of the Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (courses: ‘Social Status of the Anthropologic Theory’, ‘From Anthropological Post-modernism to Anthropology of the 21st Century’ and ‘Anthropology of Popular Culture’)
1997-2002 Centre of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb (course in cultural anthropology at the Department of Sociology)
2002 Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis in Ljubljana (course: The Anthropology of Socialism)
Organizing conferences:
2009 A member of the organising committee of the 15th Performance Studies International conference ‘Misfiring, Misfitting, Misreading’ and leader of the workshop ‘Post-socialism and back’. Zagreb (June, 2009)
IEF conferences:
2013 ‘How Much Mentality: Between a Scientific Concept and the Cultural Construct’
2012 ‘Culture, Identity, Politics: A Schoolarly Conference in honour of Dunja Rihtman-Auguštin’
2009 ‘Horror, Porn, Enuui: Cultural Practices of Post-socialism’
2004 ‘Layers of Reality, Genres of Ethnography’
Conferences of the Croatian Ethnological Society:
2004 Rebuilt Croatian-Slovene Ethnological Parallels
2005 ‘Culture and Transformation’
2006 ‘Island Perspectives: the potential of the Croatian island’s culture’
2007 ‘The State and Tendencies of Mythological Research in Croatian Ethnology’
2010 ‘How Do the Peasants Live: Identity, Representations, Cultural Practices of Contemporary Peasantry’
2011 ‘Culture and Economy’
Conviening conferences:
2009 Workshop ‘Post-socialism and back’. 15th Performance Studies International conference ‘Misfiring, Misfitting, Misreading’, Zagreb
2002 Workshop ‘Towards an Anthropology of Europe’ workshop. EASA, Copenhagen
2008 Workshop leader at ‘Liminal Europe’. EASA, Ljubljana
2013 Workshop ‘The Identity of Croatian transition’. Annual meeting of the Croatian Ethnological Society, Zagreb
2014 Workshop ‘Work and Culture: Old Practices and New Values’. Annual meeting of the Croatian Ethnological Society, Zagreb
Research supervision:
Mentor to cca 50 graduate and master’s thesis, as well as doctoral dissertations (Mojca Piškor: ‘Politics and Poetics in the Realm of Music’ 2010; Sanja Potkonjak: ‘Female Authors in Croatian Ethnology of the 20th Century’; 2010; Aleksej Gotthardi Pavlovsky: ‘ Folk Music and Turbo-folk in Croatia’ 2012).
Mentor in the project ‘Producing and contesting the «national order of thing»: tracing how language standardisation processes and «state effects» configure (non)users near Serbian/Croatian borders’, NEWFELPRO, Marie Curie FP7 – COFUND.
Internal mentor for the young researchers at the projects ‘Ethnography of Worldly Transition: Templates and Deviations’ and ‘Post-socialism and the Cultural Subject: Hybrid Practices of Cultural Mediation’.
Membership and activities in professional associations:
2002 Co-editor of the Book series New Ethnography
2001-2004 The president of the Croatian Semiotic Society
2005-2011 Deputy president of the Croatian Ethnological Society
– Associate of the University of Zagreb as a reviewer of university studies and a member of the commission for the nostrification of works and diplomas in the field of ethnology and cultural anthropology.
– Regular reviewer of scientific projects of the Slovenian Research Agency.
– Member of the European Association of Social Anthropologists i EASA Europeanist Network.
– Member of the editorial bord of the Prague Studies in Sociocultural Anthropologv; Gazelo Internacia de Antropologio, Ethnoanthropological Zoom journal.