Marina Blagaić, PhD

2014 – obtained a PhD degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
2006 – obtained an MA degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
1999 – completed the 1st language grammar school, Split

Since 1 July 2007 – an assistant at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (break in employment from 1 December 2008 to 1 December 2009 due to maternity leave)
1 February 2006 – 30 June 2006 – the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, secretary of the postgraduate PhD studies unit

Participation in scientific research projects
2012 – 2014 participant in the project Croatian Intangible Cultural Heritage, Social Identities and Values, managed by Tvrtko Zebec, PhD, funded by the Croatian foundation for science. Within the project I research the process by which intangible cultural-heritage is protected and promoted. I conducted field research on the islands of Olib, Hvar, Brač, Vis and Šolta as well as in Istra and Vukovar-srijemska county. I also participate in the cooperation between the Institute and the Ministry of Culture in projects on the protection of intangible cultural heritage.
2007 – 2013 participant in the project Traditional culture, globalisation and local praxis, managed by Zorica Vitez, PhD, within which I have been researching the traditional and contemporary culture of the island of Šolta and ethnologists’ and folklorists’ possibilities of contributing to the development of cultural tourism.

Research interests
The topic of my doctoral thesis is Ethnological and Cultural Anthropological Contributions to Island Studies Based on the Case Study of the Island of Šolta (2014), mentor Maja Povrzanović Frykman, PhD, Malmö University, Sweden
Research areas: island studies, intangible cultural heritage, cultural tourism, anthropology of migration, food studies.

Activities in applying scientific research
Since 2010 – coordinator of the cultural tourist project Šolta in the palm of your hand
Since 2012 – active in the protection of the Mediterranean diet phenomenon, which is on UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Since 2013 a member of the international team of seven Mediterranean countries which systematically works on the protection and promotion of knowledge on the Mediterranean diet.
Since 2014 – a member of the Management board of the association Anatomy of Islands – Centre for Research and Development. The aim of the association is to gather knowledge about islands and build networks with international actors in the field of island development.
2014 – Member of the Programme Committee of the 3rd Anatomy of Islands International Conference: The Future of Island Villages and Indigenous Food Crops.
October 2013 – October 2014 – participant in the project Development of the additional training programme for the cooks of traditional (local and regional) cuisine – Taste of tradition (The project was funded with non-refundable EU funds within the framework of the pre-accession assistance programme IPA, measure IV Human Resources Development, tender Capacity Building of the Adult Education Institutions).
