Naila Ceribašić, PhD


Doctoral degree in the humanities, the field of ethnology, with the Ph.D. dissertation “Folklorna glazbena praksa i kulturna politika: Paradigma smotri folklora u Hrvatskoj” (Folklore music practice and cultural policy: The paradigm of folklore festivals in Croatia) at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, 1998. Masters degree in musicology and ethnomusicology with the M.A. thesis “Norma i individuacija u deseteračkim napjevima s područja Slavonije” (Norm and individualization in the decasyllabic tunes from Slavonia) at the Department of Musicology, Music Academy, University of Zagreb, 1993.
Bachelor degree at the same institution, 1990. 

Fields of interest
Traditional music in Croatia, processes of festivalization, heritage programs in the sphere of public practice, economics and tourism, role and function of music in the context of war and political changes, gender aspects of music-making, musical expressions of minority communities, ethnomusicological analysis, theories and methods in ethnomusicology.

Scholarly positions
From 1990 affiliated with, and from 1999 a permanent employee of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb. Participated in the scholarly projects “Folk art – regional and thematic research” (1994-1996), “Folk music and dance in Croatia from contemporary ethnomusicological and ethnochoreological perspectives – systematic, thematic and synthetic research” (1997-2000), “Music, dance, and community: Central and marginal practices” (2002-2006), “Contemporary culture flows and the construction of communities and identities” (from 2007) and “Traditional culture, globalization and local practices” (from 2007). Positions of assistant (1995-1998), senior assistant (1998-1999), research fellow (1999-2004), senior research fellow (2004-2008), and research advisor (from 2008).

Courses taught
From 1999, courses in ethnomusicology at the Department of Musicology (Music Academy, University of Zagreb), and occasionally at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb). Earned the title of assistant professor in 2001, and associated professor in 2008.

Membership in editorial boards of scholarly journals: From 1999 one of the editors of the journal Narodna umjetnost: Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research; in 2009-2010 a member of the editorial board of Ethnomusicology.

Membership and activities in professional associations
Member of International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), European Seminar in Ethnomusicology, Croatian Ethnological Society, Croatian Musicological Society, and Croatian Composers Society. Since 1998, served as a liaison officer for the ICTM, and 2007-2010 as the chair of the Croatian National Committee of the ICTM. Organized international ethnomusicological meetings Istarski etnomuzikološki susreti – Istrska etnomuzikološka srečanja – Incontri etnomusicologici istriani (2000-2001, 2003) and Third Meeting of the “Music and Minorities” Study Group of the ICTM (2004). Participated with papers at numerous international and domestic scholarly meetings.

Applied ethnomusicological work
Since 1992 a member of the program team at the Međunarodna smotra folklora (International Folklore Festival) in Zagreb. In the period 2001-2008 an expert collaborator of the Manifestacija “Kulturno stvaralaštvo nacionalnih manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj” (Manifestation “Cultural Activities of National Minorities in the Republic of Croatia”). Collaboration with a number of other folklore festivals in Croatia (e.g. Smotra folklora Dalmacije “Na Neretvu misečina pala”, Brodsko kolo, Vinkovačke jeseni, Đakovački vezovi, Festival dječjeg folklora Hrvatske). A member of expert committees within state governmental bodies (e.g. the committee for cultural-artistic amateurism and the committee for intangible cultural heritage at the Ministry of Culture). Collaboration in the preparation of TV broadcasts. 

The “Milovan Gavazzi” Award from the Croatian Ethnological Society in 2003 for the book Hrvatsko, seljačko, starinsko i domaće. The “Josip Andreis” Award from the Croatian Composers Society in 2000 for the edition Hrvatska tradicijska glazba – Croatian Traditional Music (as editor of the double CD, together with Joško Ćaleta, and the author of accompanying book).
