e-mail: tyti28@gmail.com
Asian Cultures (Philosophy, Art, Religion), Interculturality, Anthropological Theories.
1985 Central Java and Bali – Music and Dance
1988 Franciscan Monastery in Cernik, Croatia – Rites and Customs in the Liturgical Year
1988-1991 Korea – Buddhist Philosophy and Religion, Shamanism, Confucianism
1991 Taiwan – Buddhism and Daoism
1992 India, Andhra Pradesh – Interreligious Hinduism in the Ashram of Sai Baba;
Tamil Nadu – Sri Aurobindo‘s Integral Philosophy and its Realization in Auroville
1993 Japan, Kyoto – Buddhist Rituals
2005 Sabah, Malaysian Borneo – Orientalism
2006 Sri Lanka – Buddhism and Everyday Life
2010 India, Himachal Pradesh – Tibetan Diaspora and Dislocated Tibet
2014-2015 Himachal Pradesh, Continuation of the Research on the Tibetan Cultural Metamorphosis in
McLeod Ganj;
Punjab – Le Corbusier in Chandigarh
2016-2017 Bhutan (Thimphu, Paro, Punakha) – Buddhism and the Concept of Happiness in Religion and
2017 Cambodia, Politicized Buddhism and “Killing Fields”
2018 Macau – Anthropology of Gambling
Visions and Voices: Through the Body of Mudang and the Thought of Anthropologist
Yeongsan taejae – buddhistički ritual kao zrcalna slika korejske kulture (Yeongsan taeje – Korean Buddhist Ritual as a Mirror Image of Korean Culture). Zagreb 2004.
Obred i običaj (Rite and Custom), Zagreb 1994.
Edited books
Gert Hofmann, Snježana Zorić. Presence of the Body. Awareness in and beyond Experience. Leiden. Boston: Brill. Rodopi. 2017.
Goran Ledenčan, Snježana Zorić. Etnoimpresije iz Skopja (Ethno-impressions from Skopje). Zadar: Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u Zadru. 2014.
Iva Bulić, Snježana Zorić, Izmješteni Tibet. Tibetski kulturni i interkulturni imaginariji (Tibet – Dislocated: Tibetan Cultural and Intercultural Imaginary). Zadar: Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u Zadru. 2013.
Snježana Zorić et al. Sarajevo. Interkulturalnost i međureligijski dijalog (Sarajevo. Interculturality and Interreligious Dialogue). Zadar: Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u Zadru. 2013.
Gert Hofmann, Snježana Zorić. Topodynamics of Arrival: Essays on Self and Pilgrimage. Leiden: Rodopi. 2012.