The project focuses on exploring clandestine or poorly visible work and life practices that reflect or have the potential to reflect on more visible and explicit social and political levels. We use the concept of infrapolitics as a common denominator for various thematic interests that share properties of resistance to prevailing cultural, social and/or economic values and structures through tactics such as avoidance, circumvention, thwarting or neglect.


The intention of the project is to document the actions of infrapolitical actors, but also to gather “instructions for use,” or shortcuts to healthier social and cultural ecologies.

Project activities are directed at several levels: the 1990s as a pivotal decade in contemporary Croatian history, researching marginalized or subordinate individuals and groups in the present, as well as the “lived futures” of actors who – in their everyday life – embody practices that anticipate upcoming changes.


Using cultural anthropological and ethnological approaches and methods, we aim to shed light on the abundance of possibilities for change “within the shell of the old” system. The project will encompass individual life experiences, family dynamics, informal forms of collaboration, artistic practices and covert social engagements, as well as formalized organizations. Instead of addressing frontal or strategic confrontations, we will focus on shifts and transformations that operate on the edge or beyond the edge of recognizable political action spectrum.