Panel presentations at the 24th Annual Conference of the Croatian Musicological Society (Zagreb, 2023/6/2-3)

In June 2023, three collaborators presented the results of Project Diskograf at the 24th Annual Conference organized by the Croatian Musicological Society.

Dora Dunatov had introductory presentation “Projekt Diskograf u prve tri godine – rezultati i realizacija” and presentation “Na razmeđu disciplina: diskografija pod akademskim povećalom”. See: PPT-Projekt Diskograf / PPT-Na razmeđu disciplina

Jelka Vukobratović had presentation “Važnost istraživanja diskografije za razvoj studija popularne glazbe”. See PPT

Tanja Halužan had presentation “Značaj rane hrvatske diskografije u formiranju jezgre (standardiziranih) lokalnih repertoara”. See PPT

For more information on conference papers, see here.